Platu World Series 28/29/30 Oct 2023

Day one

Day one started with a lively skippers briefing with a lot of personal requests being made but all were knocked into the park (in the nicest possible manner) by the RO who had heard it all before. The regatta started with winds of 4.5 knots, increased to a maximum of 12 knots for the start of the second race dropping back to 5 knots by the finish. There was a 120 degree shift between race 1 and 2, then a shift back 90 degrees for the final race. This kept the committee boat busy and delayed the proceeding more than we would have liked but with radio contact describing the activities crews were kept fully informed while the changes were being made to the course.

With all crews having the ability to win races it could have been predicted that results would be a very mixed bag, and that is exactly what happened except that the ‘invited’ team from ‘somewhere’ managed to pull two bullets out of the hat. Was this because finally they were onboard their favourite boat, STINGRAY, at last. This boat had been very generously lent to the event organisers to assist the introduction of the Platu World Series. Thankyou to Tom Whitcraft. Other boats used by the organisers to allow this regatta to be possible, included 107,124 and 118 YRAT, FLS and K Suraporn.

Tired crews were brought off the water at about 15.00 hours to enjoy the sausage sizzle and beer provided by FLS.

Day two..

Day 2 did not have enough wind and so the AP ashore was applied. After 40 minutes there was enough wind,  8 knots and easily enough to race. The wind was not shifting and so we had two races to the same windward mark. After that the wind shifted 180 degrees and so the mark laying crew were kept busy laying new marks. A rain storm threatened with the wind increasing to 12 knots. Crews got wet but not damaged.  Four good races were able to be run and crews came off the water tired and wet at about 15.00 hrs.

Day three

And what a day it was. Very little wind and not enough to start a race for an hour. Even then the wind was light and shifty but as always this race officer would sooner see crews racing than sat waiting. The wind tried to spoil the party by providing big shifts very quickly and only providing 5 to 5.5 knots. Not exciting but just enough to race. Top marks were constantly moved and two races suffered 90 or even 180 degree shifts. With not enough time to change the course during 30 minute races crews had to contend with these shifts. In future we may need to make the races a bit longer and provide mark laying drivers who know what they are doing. That way we could change the course during a race.  However, good luck finally did prevail and the Medal race had winds of up to 12 knots from a constant direction and provided an exciting finale. Colin Simonds took advantage of the double points on offer and despite having to work very hard to keep Easy Tiger only a few meters behind him won the race and leapt up the leader board and into second overall. Easy tiger started the regatta slowly but as always the experience of this crew finally prevailed with two firsts and two seconds on the last day to finish winners of the very first World Series held here at Ocean Marina Jontiem. Rolf Heemskerk showed enough consistency to finish on the podium in third overall. The crew aboard the FLS Platu had a mixed regatta but the vast experience of the helm, Scott Duncanson showed flashes of brilliance to get a few good results. Our “invited” friend Sergei was more than capable of winning race but lacked consistency in spite of his entertaining conversations with his crew. Thankyou once again Sergei for supporting the racing here at OMJ.

At the final after race get together the staff of OMJ provided a great sausage sizzle with a few beers to wash it down. Scott Finsten handed out the awards and thanks were made to those who deserved them.

We wish all the crews a safe journey home and thank them for travelling so far to support this event.

A big thankyou to Scott Finsten and his staff. Without their magnificant support the Platu racing would not be the success it has been. The organisers have asked for many things during the year and Scott never hesitated to provide in spades.

Thanks to my good friend, Doug Smith, for all his background support throughout the past few years.

And a very big thankyou to K.Thammasak the joint R.O. His work on the committee boat kept the whole event possible. His job list has to be seen to be believed. Thankyou Zak.

Thanks to FLS for their financial input to increase awareness of the sport of sailing.

This was my last event as organiser. I have enjoyed the last few years but it is time for new blood and new ideas. I wish the Platu fleet ever more success in the future.


Platu 027 Chris Way from Australia              … 16 points   First

Platu 117  Sergei, our invited guest                ….31 points

Platu 107  Colin Simonds from England     ….25 points   Second

Platu 154  Rolf Heemskerk from Malaysia …28 points   Third

Platu 124  Doug Smith representing Thailand…38 points

Platu 118 Stellios Neutros from Greece     ..84 points

Interesting to note that without any drop scores the results would have been the same. Food for thought?

Kev Scott Ferret News 31st October 2023.



Report and results Sept 15/16/17 2023

Sail-world report link


Report and results. OMJ Platu Championship 3rd round June30 July 1 and 2.

Justin came all the way from Australia to take part and uphold the good name of Easy Tiger. Marco, Nathan and Doug were there to make sure he had to fight for it. Day one was the start of things to come and although the scratch team aboard 154 had a day of learning how to sail together the other three set the scene for the next two days. As the crew on board 154 got their act together all four boats experienced some very close racing and produced a mixed bag of results for all.

The weather was ideal for sailing, although day one was very hot. There was a slight chop throughout the three days with winds of about 7 knots on day one. Day two started off very light but cloud cover gave crews some respite from the sun at least. As the wind picked up it backed almost 90 degrees but the race officer had everything well under control and set great courses throughout the regatta. With a regular change in wind direction crews had fun picking the shifts and the day provided some of the best, close racing we have had at ocean Marina. When one race finish was decided by 10 centimeters you know it has been fun.

And so once again Ocean Marina has provided crews with some of the best racing around in a beautiful location and great facilities. In his thankyou remarks, Justin explained that he enjoyed the racing here as much as anywhere and the camaraderie between crews is exceptional.

Thanks to Scott Finsten and Ocean Marina Jomtien for providing the infrastructure necessary to hold such a great Championship.

Congratulations to  K Thammasak for being the perfect race officer. It cannot be underestimated how much difference a well run Committee boat makes to the crews enjoyment.

Thanks to FLS. Supporters of racing in Thailand. Providers of trophies and drinks for all.

Thanks to Doug for his behind the scenes preparation work.

Thanks to the staff at the Marina office and the Pier restaurant.


Platu 027  Justin   23 points

Platu 122 Nathan 30 points

Platu 124 FLS        31 points

Platu 154 Marco  58 points


Fourth and final round September 15/16/17 2023




The Ocean Marina Jontiem

Platu One Design Championship of Thailand 2023

Round 2 May 5/6/7

Platu 027 Chris Way               2.2.2.   18

Platu 154 Rolf Heemskerk     1.1.1     20

Platu 124  Doug Smith            3.3.3,   34

Platu 122 Nathan Masopust  37

Platu 117 Simon  Boyd    58

Friday winds from 8 to 12 knots and HOT

Saturday  winds from 7 to 3 even HOTTER

Sunday light winds late start HOTTER still

2nd Round OMJ Platu Championship of Thailand. RACE REPORT

Entries from Australia, Malaysia and local Thai teams lined up for the Second Round of the Ocean Marina Jontiem Platu Championship of Thailand.

Day one had quite shifty winds of about 7 knots all day. In order to give non local crews time to settle down, the first race was a practise race and teams were allowed to drop their worst score of the day. No drop score on day 2 and 3. Obviously jet lag from Australia is much worse than from Malaysia because Rolf Heemskerk started day one with four wins from 4 with Chris Way hot on his heels with 4 seconds. Nathan Masopust and Doug Smith began a close rivalry that was to last throughout the event. Simon Boyd was on a borrowed boat with a hastlily assembled crew but managed to get round the course quite well only to suffer damage that  finished his racing for the day after race one. A lot of repair effort overnight meant that the boat was ready for racing on day two.

Day two. Similar  patchy winds but this time they died down as the day went on. Chris scored two wins and a second while Rolf scored two seconds and a win. These two have a long history of close racing and this weekend was no exception. Doug held a slender lead of 3 points from Nathan.

Day three. This is when the fun really started with Chris and Rolf engaging in some quite remarkable match racing tactics, leaving the way for Doug and Nathan to enjoy an empty race track As usual the last race of the regatta was a double point medal race ensuring that the final results went down to the wire with the overall win going to whoever won the last race. Start line antics left Chris with a small lead and Rolf decided his only chance was to split away from Chris and he chose to go right. Luck was not on his side as the winds on the left proved to be stronger and Chris came home the winner by 100 metres. Nathan and Doug battled side by side for much of the race with Nathan crossing the line one boat length in front.

But special mention has to go to the crew of Stingray skippered by Simon Boyd. With his hastily assembled crew, some with very little experience, they proved that a positive attitude goes a long way to success. They never finished far behind the regular crews and continued to improve throughout the last two days. Thankyou for taking part and showing the true spirit of competition.

As usual with all these events everyone got together round one big table afterwards to swop exaggerated stories and prove that the camaraderie here is a joy to behold. Race hard, but respect your competitors above all else.

Thanks got to Scott Finsten and Ocean Marina Jontiem for promoting this Championship and providing all the necessary on and off water support.

Thanks and congratulations to the race officer K Thammasak who ran three days of perfect courses.

Thanks to FLS, Simon Boyd, Chris Way and Rolf Heemskerk for buying drinks for all.

Thanks to Doug Smith for his behind the scenes effort to get boats and crew racing.

Results Chris Way, 18 points, Rolf Heemskerk 20 points, Doug Smith 34 points, Nathan Masopust 37 points and Simon Boyd 58 points.

Kev Scott, Ferret News 6th May 2023.

ends ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Round one March 10/11/12. REPORT

Seven crews lined up at the start of this highly competitive event. International crews from Australia, Malaysia and Russia joined four local crews to provide a top quality entry list and ensure another very competitive and exciting regatta.

Day one did not follow the weather forecast which kept the race officer busy until finally settling down with a steady 8 knots all day from the South West. Crews were given the usual practice race and were allowed one drop score for the day in order to get the team settled down into race mode without being penalized too much. Easy Tiger and Stingray had to work hard to keep the new YRAT crew and Team Viewpoint at bay. Rolf Heemskerk and his crew were enjoying a welcome return after three years lay off due to covid restrictions. Their bowman thought the foredeck was much smaller and more rocky than he remembered it!

Day two brought much stronger winds that increased from an ideal 12 knots up to 20 knots later in the day. At this wind speed crews are tested to the full but Sergey, on board Nam Prix reveled in these conditions and  came to the fore with three convincing wins from five and lifted himself into second on the leaderboard just behind Easy Tiger and equal on points with the young guns on team YRAT.

And so into the third and final day, which as always concludes with a double point medal race. The wind came in strong right from the start with 14 knots increasing to 19 as the day progressed. The number of races per day is always controlled only by the wind speed and length of the courses. No set number of races are ever declared in advance. This intentionally allows the race officer, and not the NORs, to determine when crews should return to shore, based on events of the day. On this day four races were run before 13.30 hours and so the Medal race was able to be started at 13.45 and finish at 14.30, And what a race it turned out to be. Stingray got a great start and was 50 metres ahead after two minutes, with Easy Tiger in hot persuit. And as always it is difficult to catch a lead boat in one design especially when it’s a one on one fight with match racing tactics coming in to play. So, Easy Tiger had to follow Stingray for one and a half laps until Stringray made two bad jibes allowing him to catch up. The finish was a classic with Easy Tiger getting the benefit of a big wave to increase his speed dramatically and catch Stingray at the line, only to be deemed second by a few centimetres.

And so another battle of the giants was fought out over 12 races in the Gulf of Thailand with all crews enjoying great fun on and off the water.

The second round is May 5-6-7th.

Thanks to Scott Finsten and Ocean marina for providing all the infrastructure necessary.

Thanks to FLS logistics for providing awards and refreshments

Thanks to K Thammasak and his mark boat crew who did a great job in such big winds.

Thanks to all those crew who travelled so far to take part.

Written by Kev Scott Ferret News 13th March 2023


027  Easy Tiger AUS 1-1-2-2-1-3-3 4 :24

117 Stingray THA 1-2-1-3-3-5-4 5,5,2,3 ,2 :36

154Heemskerk MAS 2-4-3-5-2-4-5 2,1,3,2,6 :39

107 Yrat THA   3-3-5-4-5-2-2 4,4,4,4,8 : 48

118 Sergei RUS 3-5-4-1-4-1-1 8,8 5, 4 6 : 50

124 FLS  THA 5-4-6-6-6-6 -8 6,6,5,8,16 : 82

122Le Vent 2 THA 7-8-7-7-8-8-8.7,7,7,8,16:98

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